Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Businesses Beware -Donating to HSUS Creates Backlash

I want to live in a world where companys wouldn’t dream of donating to H$U$ due to the backlash for the agriculture community….and I think we might be heading that direction.

Last month when [yellow tail] wine donated $100,000 to HSUS I read about it immediately in blog posts, on twitter, in Facebook updates and all over the agriculture media. You can even watch Advocates for Agriculture’s Troy Hadrick dump his last bottle of Yellow Tail out on YouTube. The catchy grassroots campaign slogan [yellow fail] started showing up everywhere.

[yellow tail] took notice and responded with a letter to the Animal Agriculture Alliance where the wine company pledged that any future animal welfare support would go to groups that provide hands-on care rather than lobbying organizations.

This morning Amanda Nolz posted on the BEEF Daily blog about Mary Kay being involved with an HSUS. People responded so quickly that by this afternoon Mary Kay made a statement on Facebook, correcting the record and clarifying that they were not affiliated with HSUS.

Keep a watchful eye out and soon getting in bed with HSUS will be nothing short of the kiss of death for businesses who rely on public support.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Even though Yellowtail has says they will never donate again, they also will never be receiving my dollars again. HSUS is still a $100,000 richer because of them. On the Mary Kay front, I think we need to do our research too. We need to ask questions about the stories we are hearing in the media before we make decisions about companies.

