Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanksgiving Dinner Costs a Little More this Year

A “classic” Thanksgiving dinner for 10 will cost $43.47 this year, up 56 cents, or 1.3%, from 2009, but down $1.14, or 2.6%, from 2008, according to an annual survey conducted by the American Farm Bureau Federation (A.F.B.F.).

Still, that cost is just $4.34 a person. This is a reminder of how affordable food is in the U.S., especially when compared to per capita income.

The cost of three of the thanksgiving dinner items decreased, eight increased and one was unchanged, according to the 12-item survey, which has been conducted annually since 1986.

The survey price for a 16-lb turkey was $17.66, down 99 cents from last year. I think the turkey in the picture is much larger than this 16-lb size, but I had to share it anyways. Whoever eats it will likely get enough tryptophan to send them into hibernation.

Green peas and frozen stuffing also decreased in price. The price of fresh cranberries remained the same.

Items increasing in price included milk, cream, pumpkin pie mix, pie shells, sweet potatoes, rolls, carrots and celery.

The cost of miscellaneous ingredients, such as coffee, onions, eggs, sugar, flour, evaporated milk and butter, needed to complete the meal was also considered.

The survey, conducted by volunteer shoppers, is "an informal gauge of price trends around the nation,” according to the A.F.B.F.

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