Friday, January 7, 2011

The Farmer in the Dell - not the HP

Hi, my name is Brandi. I'm 24 and technologically challenged.  I have difficulties using my internet phone, changing my blog design takes an inordinate amount of time and I don't know how to load music onto my iPod. It's embarassing, I know.

While I'm not so hot at managing a RSS Feed I am pretty good at internet surfing and today I found this little gem while I was rummaging for blog ideas -

Ten Technical Terms About Computers And What They Mean To Farmers
Log on: when you want to make the homestead warmer
Log off: Timberrrrrrrrrrrr.
Mega Hertz: when you're not careful getting the firewood
Lap top: where the cat sleeps
Hard drive: maneuvering through rocky fields on the northern range when there is snow on the ground
Windows: what to shut when it's cold outside
Byte: what mosquitoes do
Modem: what I did to the hay fields
Keyboard: where the keys hang
Mouse: critters that eat the grain in the barn

While the info on this list may have been true 5 years ago, today more and more farmers are logging onto their computers and utilizing social media (Twitter, blogging and Facebook) to connect to consumers and tell the story of American agriculture.

Do you have a question for a farmer or rancher? Now it's easier than ever to reach out and ask a farmer or rancher about how food is produced. Check out these farmers' blog and Twitter feeds:

@JeffFowle  - Conservative, Christian, rancher, farmer, cattle, horses, hay, animal welfare specialist, Agvocate, husband & father
@farmerhaley - 5th generation Ohio Family Farmer, Raising grain and purebred Simmental cattle. Passionate about farming and Animal Welfare! email: farmerhaley(at)
@DebbieLB - A cattle rancher in Kansas, raising 5 teenagers!
@OHDairyFarmers - Meet Ohio Dairy Farmers! We care for our cows, respect our land and produce safe, high quality milk.
@thefarmvet - We love animals, food and traveling! A large animal veterinarian and his wife working in California with today's farms.

I hope these resources, in addition to Food For Thought, will aid you in learning more about agriculture and food production!

Until next time,
~ Buzzard ~

Top ten list and image courtesy of

1 comment:

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