Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Problems Wolves Pose For Cattle Ranchers

Please read this blog post from a friend of mine. I never thought of an issue that would affect cattle ranchers like this.

Ranching with Rhinestones - War for the West

Jessie attended Kansas State University for her undergraduate degree. She hails from Nevada and is currently a PhD candidate in Meat Science at Texas Tech University.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on the issue that Jessie brings to attention in her blog post.




  1. What a great post! I'm trying to read up on this issue since there is talk of reintroduction coming to the Rocky's.

  2. Share with your friends and feel free to contact the author. I could also get you contact info, if you would like. She's a native Nevadan who is from a long line of ranching families. Passionate wouldn't even begin to describe her feelings about agriculture.
