Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Do You Have Farmer Style?

The Peterson Farm Brothers sure do - check them out on Facebook and you'll find three young men who are enthusiastically sharing the day to day activities of farm life through their hilarious song parodies. Remember this?

That little ditty has amassed almost 8 million views on YouTube and led to the brothers being featured on national television and news outlets promoting agriculture. They have presented at the FFA National Convention, agribusiness meetings and were most recently recognized at the final K-State home football game. They are doing great things for agriculture and we are excited that Greg (the eldest brother) is a member of Food For Thought! Last night, the Peterson Farm Bros released their newest parody hit titled Farmer Style which is a parody on Gangnam Style, the smash hit that has taken over the music charts. Have a look!

This is a great video because not only is it entertaining, it mentions some important agriculture aspects. The constant reference to the importance of hay and forage is evident but they also hammer home that they are a family farm and are passionate about agriculture. Congrats on another great job Peterson Bros. - Food For Thought and the agriculture community are thrilled that you're on our side. Keep up the fantastic work! If you want more info on the Peterson Farm Bros, you can check out their YouTube page, Facebook page or follow Greg on Twitter (@gregpeterson33).

What do you think of the video? We want to hear you feedback? Should the Peterson Farm Bros do another parody? Which song?

 Until next time,
 ~ Buzzard ~

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